Category: Uncategorized

  • Resources: DGNB Annual Congress

    Annabel Short, Research Fellow with IHRB and Principal at It’s Material gave a keynote talk at the 2024 Annual Congress of DGNB, the German Green Building Council, entitled “Dignity by Design – People at the Heart of Climate Action in the Built Environment”. Access the presentation here. Below are the materials mentioned during the talk,…

  • Innovation in Prague’s built environment

    As part of the global IHRB project “Building for Today and the Future“, local researchers in eight cities are studying how climate action in the built environment impacts human rights, and identifying examples of built environment socio-economic innovation. Below are the examples of innovation in Prague. Visit the Building Transformation StoryMap for innovation in multiple countries. The…

  • Innovation in Athens’ built environment

    As part of the global IHRB project “Building for Today and the Future“, local researchers in eight cities are studying how climate action in the built environment impacts human rights, and identifying examples of built environment socio-economic innovation. Below are the examples of innovation from Athens. Visit the Building Transformation StoryMap for innovation in multiple countries. And…

  • Innovation in Valparaiso’s built environment

    As part of the global IHRB project “Building for Today and the Future“, local researchers in eight cities are studying how climate action in the built environment impacts human rights, and identifying examples of innovation that contribute to combined social and environmental outcomes. Here are the examples of innovation from Valparaiso. Visit the Building Transformation…

  • What’s the story behind the It’s Material logo?

    Thank you Malini Chakrabarty for creating the beautiful logo for It’s Material! I was looking for a design that would reflect the essence of It’s Material – building transformative connections – and stand the test of time. The design brief began with a quote from one of my favorite books, Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities: “Marco Polo describes a…

  • Who are the largest owners of rental accommodation in Brussels?

    Hugo Perilleux is a researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In 2023 he published the findings from in-depth research on land ownership patterns in Brussels. He was prompted to start the research by the increasing proportions of household income going towards rent in the city, where poor households allocate from 40 up to 60%…

  • Building Transformation: A StoryMap

    This StoryMap shares stories of socio-economic innovation in the built environment, around the World. Explore the map to discover signals of change that are expanding: i) transparency and accountability to shed more light on who owns and shapes real estate, infrastructure and the places between ii) agency in terms of who has the opportunity to…

  • Innovation in Melbourne’s built environment

    As part of the global IHRB project “Building for Today and the Future“, local researchers in 8 cities are studying how climate action in the built environment impacts human rights, and identifying examples of innovation that contribute to combined social and environmental outcomes. Here are the examples of innovation from the research team at Melbourne…

  • On architecture and human rights

    Edyta Skiba interviewed Annabel Short for the Polish magazine “Architektura & Biznes”, on bringing a human rights approach to the built environment lifecycle. The full article was published in Polish, available to download here – in a special issue that coincided with the “Energy Regeneration of Cities” conference in Łódź, Poland. Below is an English…

  • Inclusivity and high street redevelopment in Eastbourne, UK

    Queenie Clarke is conducting a PhD on “Designing for human dignity: new approaches to the inclusivity of vulnerably housed communities” at the University of Brighton, UK. The research focuses on Eastbourne’s high street regeneration. Queenie is using the Framework for Dignity in the Built Environment as one of the touch-points for her research. Here are…