Author: itsmaterial

  • GeoDevOps: Practical mapping for change in Kenya

    Chrispine Omondi uses his technical mapping skills to help people without those skills understand the ways that land is owned and used. After studying geography, he continued to deepen his expertise in GIS (“Geographic Information Systems”), remote sensing (satellite-based information), and artificial intelligence through further study and through work. Now he is putting one of…

  • On “Critical Mapping for Municipalist Mobilization”

    Carla Rivera and Alfredo Palomera are advocates for the right to housing, working with Observatorio DESC in Spain. Observatorio DESC (Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales) was created in 1998 to strengthen awareness and action on social, economic and cultural rights. In an interview Carla and Alfredo shared insights from the multi-year project: “Critical Mapping for…